Seattle Surgery Center is Medicare and Medicaid certified, and a provider for many commercial insurance carriers and managed care organizations. Please feel free to contact our Business Office at (206) 382-1021 with insurance and financial questions.
Patients will be charged a facility fee for surgical services provided by Seattle Surgery Center, an anesthesia fee for anesthesia services, and a professional fee from their surgeon. Patients will be charged separately for services provided by ancillary providers when medically necessary, i.e. laboratory, pathology, pharmacy, etc.
Payment in full, approved payment arrangements, or insurance assignment is required prior to surgery. Patients should be prepared to fulfill any personal financial obligations.
Please bring your insurance card or a two-sided copy of your insurance card on the day of surgery. You will be asked to sign an assignment of benefits form if necessary to process an insurance claim.
As a service to patients, we will submit all insurance forms for patients with prior authorization.
Patients who demonstrate a financial need or who are eligible for charitable care for medically necessary procedures may be eligible for payment arrangements.
Patients may be contacted by the Seattle Surgery Center Business Office when and if any balances are due on the day of surgery.
To assist you with fulfilling your financial obligations, Seattle Surgery Center accepts cash, cashier checks, VISA, and Mastercard for payment.